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Staying Motivated

Staying Motivated 

If persistence is the ultimate attribute of success and happiness in life, what fuels it?

Motivation.  Plain and simple.

I can’t tell you who or what that is, nor can anyone else for that matter.  You have to decide for yourself and determine that one thing that keeps you chasing your dreams and goals every single day.

This could be providing a better life for you and your family, to getting in shape, to having the financial wherewithal to travel and experience more out of life.  Maybe it’s a brand new home or car.  Take a picture of it and put it on your refrigerator or at your desk at work.  Here are a couple of tips and one harsh reality to chew over:

  • Get Healthy

Do you laugh and shake your head in confusion when you see someone jogging down the sidewalk with their dog, layered up in winter clothing?  You shouldn’t.  It’s a proven fact that people who are in great physical health attract more business, and are sharper mentally when working through deals with clients.  If this isn’t something that you incorporate into your daily regimen, start small and commit to at least fifteen minutes of vigorous exercise every other day.  When you start seeing and feeling the results in your quality of life and work performance, that should give you the kick start you need to make it a daily habit.

  • Know Your Product

If you can’t prospect fearlessly and consistently, you might need to bone up on your product knowledge.  It’s impossible to stay motivated prospecting and cold calling when you feel like you’re wasting the other person’s time when they hit you with questions you can’t answer.  Study the trends and competitors in your industry by reading news headlines every day and by probing the top producers in your field.  

  • Negative Reinforcement 

This isn’t fun to talk about, and it’s not even a tip, but a harsh reality for many.  On a positive note, it can be a real motivator.  Are you struggling to just make ends meet?  Are you facing foreclosure, bankruptcy, or God forbid – homelessness?  Are you worried about something as simple as transportation to and from work?  If you’re living on Ramen and cans of chunk light tuna to survive, make the decision to change in your life what is threatening your livelihood and take action. 🍊