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Are Sales Leaders Born or Made?

“We can give you the tools to succeed, but a great work ethic? We can't give you that.”

That was my big takeaway from a seven-day sales meeting at a Holiday Inn conference room from a VP years ago. That quote still carries a lot of gravitas with me to this day - and festers in my brain early some mornings when it's tough getting the day jump-started.

Why has it stuck with me? Isn't this the plight of ever self-proclaimed successful salesman? Whether they are inherently successful or just blowing smoke all the live long day. There's nothing more common in this world than a well-educated unsuccessful person. So many great ideas are brainstormed over cocktail napkins only to be discarded the next day in a hotel room.

Condition yourself to laugh and not scoff at rejection. I'm sure Colonel Sanders did plenty of laughing when no one bought into his vision for KFC. Same with Ray Kroc and the way he thought a burger should taste. It may be Christmastime and visions of sugar-plums continue dancing in your head, but you have to execute the concept – otherwise you're wasting your time. 🍊