The Joys of Dissatisfaction Spur Us On To Action |
Can we be joyfully dissatisfied? I argue that we can. Everything that dissatisfies us about our life is a sign that we can improve in certain areas.
If we were in a constant state of satisfaction, we wouldn’t value anyone or anything.
While it’s true that we need to be thankful for what we do have, there is nothing wrong with taking a personal assessment of what we are dissatisfied about.
I didn't ask to be brought into this world, and neither did you (I’m assuming), but I choose to make the most of the money, time, resources, and relationships I have while I’m alive.
Do you?
If not, you probably won’t appreciate this article, nor will I be able to write or say anything at all to help motivate and encourage you. I'm not saying there isn't any hope for you, because maybe I'm not a source for you. Go back to your movie or TV show.
As for all the rest of us seeking some readable motivation and encouragement at no cost or obligation - continue on.
Sometimes it feels like the day is shot before it even gets here. That’s a sobering and thought for both of us. Isn’t it? If you’re healthy, wealthy, and wise, but find yourself in a continual state of dissatisfaction, consider it pure joy. If you’re unhealthy, in debt, uneducated, and are satisfied with it, don’t waste your time reading this article. Because even if money were no object and you could do anything, travel anywhere, or have whatever you want whenever you wanted it, you would still lay your head down on your pillow before you go to sleep wondering if you made the most of the opportunities you had that day. There is always room for improvement with everyone. This reality is one of the mysteries of life that still amazes me.
When I think about people like Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, or JK Rowling, most of us would say, “What more could they ever want? They have everything!”
Nope. They’re still climbing and improving - maybe not from a financial standpoint, but in other areas such as personal wisdom, health, and relationships.
Remember this:
So let's define our current state of dissatisfaction. Everyone's different, so make your list for you and nobody else but yourself.
- Undesirable Financial Situation
Do you have a poor debt to income ratio? Knowing this and your credit score are most important to lenders if you are applying for a loan on a mortgage. The formula for quantifying this is simple:
Monthly Bills/ Monthly Income = Debt to Income Ratio
As a rule of thumb, lenders want to see monthly housing debt of no more than 28% to 33% of income, and total debt of no more than 38% of that income ( Folks whose income is 100% salary will have a much easier time determining this. Many hourly and commission based employees struggle with this metric simply for the fact that these numbers fluctuate - sometimes on a daily basis. For them, the best they can write down is their Projected Monthly Income. Take out a piece of paper right now and write out your Debt to Income Ratio before continuing on.
- Not Eating Healthy
When you naturally get hungry, your mind and body are telling you it’s time to eat. Hunger is a form of dissatisfaction and it’s a good thing. What’s the point of filling your plate at a buffet, but not having the health or energy to feed yourself? Food is fuel. Food is medicine. Choose your food wisely as it directly correlates to your financial situation, appearance, physical condition, quality of sleep, and decision making process. What types are you putting into your body? Take a moment to write them down before continuing on.
- Not Physically As Fit as I’d Like To Be
Maybe you have a disability that prevents you from getting in shape. People who overcome their physical and mental limitations to achieve their goals in life never cease to amaze me. Their state of not being able to do something became their driving factor to being able to do what they initially couldn’t. How are you investing your time and money into becoming as physically fit as you can be?
Now of course there is no perfect formula for any of this. We’re all different people with different goals and desires. So in conclusion, here are some affirmations to experiment with if you feel as though you are spinning your wheels financially, physically, mentally, and spiritually:
- I value my hunger. My hunger compels me to enjoy my food.
- I value my desire to workout. My workout compels me to eat healthier and make better decisions.
- I value my monthly income. My income funds my living and business expenses.
- I value my earning potential. My earning potential is on a solid trajectory to improve this month.
- I value my wisdom. My wisdom is on a solid trajectory to grow this month.
- I value my professional network. My professional network helps foster unforeseen opportunities.