Develop a morning regimen. In a half hour period, most of the time I can brew a fresh pot of coffee, watch some news while checking e-mails, brush my teeth, shower and dress before pulling out of the driveway to start my work day. If you dress for success, it will attract more qualified prospects, and help your referral system ten fold. Give yourself every available advantage to win the day by preparing before you head out to work.
- Discover Your Daily Niche
Whatever industry you work in, it is important to find joy in your surroundings that compliment personal growth and productivity. The typical work day of a car salesman is far more different than someone doing B2B. Most car salesmen thrive in work environments where they see the same co-workers at the office, eat at the same local diner for lunch, and commute the same drive during a work week. Someone in B2B enjoys seeing a completely different of faces, discovering restaurants they may never return to in their life again, and commuting to different cities and states on a weekly basis. If you don't like the idea of going to the same central office every day, outbound sales might be a better fit your you
- Be Responsible
Being successful is more about what you don't do than what you do. If 10 beers sound more beneficial than ten push-ups... take a step back and re-evaluate what matters. It is paramount that one adopts as many positive habits in life as they can. If I were to put $10,000 in your checking account right now, how would you spend it? Would you go on a 7-day drinking and drugging binge or get a membership at Planet Fitness and put the other $9,990 in a Roth IRA? If you naturally have an addictive personality, gather insight into these imperfections and compulsions through self-study and apply liberally
- Successful Selling Is An Invisible Schedule 1 Narcotic
That being said, be responsible with your workflow. You want to be involved in your work, but don't be too involved. Make the time to enjoy time with friends and family. Sales can drive one insane just like drugs and alcohol if you abuse the process you're gifted with. Take a step back from time to time to pray, meditate, and smell the roses. It's not all about the money if you're honest with yourself. 🍊