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Making Your Vocation Your Vacation

This popular Mark Twain quote is so true and something I've tried to apply to any business venture I get involved with. We spend most of life sleeping and the rest of the living day working. Doesn't sound like much fun does it? Unfortunately, and I hate to say it, but the world is full of miserable people, and this is the common worldview on reality and the meaning of life in general for all too many – you know “woe is me” and that whole “life-sucks-and then-you-die” mentality.

Some people tell jokes and goof off on a camera in Tinseltown, acquiring a fortune in the process, but the majority the human race are seemingly content punching a time clock for “The Man,” working for minimum wage - only to make ends meet until their next paycheck.

The irony is, what ever social-economical background you subscribe to, real vacationing requires much more time, effort, money, planning, and energy (think white water rafting, mountain climbing, etc...) than your typical work day.

So what's the secret? Just how do you make your vocation your vacation? Here are a few ideas you might consider:

  • Exude Confidence and a Positive Attitude

Work on improving your communication skills daily. Learn to improvise in life each day. If you ask me, driving a car correctly requires a certain element of confidence, but also a fair amount of improvisation – especially at 70 MPH. And whether you're driving to a meeting, or standing in front of potential buyers, don't ever slouch. Slouching exhibits a personal character flaw and communicates a state of apathy amidst an otherwise great opportunity.

  • Sell What You Love, Love What You Sell!

Some people will never retire. They might say they do, but when they've cashed in on their investments and retirement fund, many will be operating a surfing or golf pro shop on a tropical island. If you truly believe in your product and carry that same passion with you from day to day, you might really be onto something big

  • Enjoy Where You Live

I sure miss Ohio from time to time, but I sure don't miss the Ohio winters. Some people love Aspen, and some call the Philippines the ideal climate for functioning and growing on a variety of levels. If you feel like the weather is putting you in a rut, consider relocation with your company. 🍊